Simblee Concepts
This Tutorial is Retired!
This tutorial covers concepts or technologies that are no longer current. It's still here for you to read and enjoy, but may not be as useful as our newest tutorials.
Resources and Going Further
Here are some additional resources for more information about the Simblee.
- Simblee product homepage
- Simblee for Mobile reference -- PDF covering the basics of using the Simblee for Mobile Library to make a UI on a host device.
- Simblee User's Manual -- PDF covering far more detail of programming the Simblee.
- Simblee LilyPad Hookup Guide -- Hookup guide covering topics more specific to the Simblee LilyPad board.
- Simblee Breakout Board Hookup Guide -- Hookup guide covering topics specific to the SparkFun Simblee breakout board.
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