Setting up a Rover Base RTK System

Contributors: Nate
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Resources and Going Further

Deploy! You're ready to start testing with RTK. Head out into the world.

It’s time to go into the field. If you’ve configured your modules and saved the settings to BBR/Flash they should be able to be powered up and autonomously begin the RTK link. Once the base has completed its survey-in process it should begin transmitting RTCM over the radio link. After receiving only a few seconds worth of RTCM over the radio link the rover's ZED-F9P receiver should enter RTK Float, then RTK Fix, and begin outputting high accuracy positional data. You also have the option of using a microcontroller on one or both receivers to tailor the configuration based on conditions, location, etc. The microcontroller, in conjunction with the SparkFun u-blox GNSS Arduino Library can configure the module for custom setups in the field.

We recommend experimenting with the basic radio-linked RTK setup to get used to the process. In our next tutorial we will show you how to use NTRIP to connect a rover to your correction data over a cellular link.

How to Build a DIY GNSS Reference Station

October 15, 2020
Learn how to affix a GNSS antenna, use PPP to get its ECEF coordinates and then broadcast your own RTCM data over the internet and cellular using NTRIP to increase rover reception to 10km!

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How to Build a DIY GNSS Reference Station

Learn how to affix a GNSS antenna, use PPP to get its ECEF coordinates and then broadcast your own RTCM data over the internet and cellular using NTRIP to increase rover reception to 10km!

SparkFun RTK Express Hookup Guide

Learn how to use the enclosed RTK Express product to achieve millimeter level geospatial coordinates.