Series and Parallel Circuits

Contributors: Pete-O
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Resources and Going Further

Now that you're familiar with the basics of serial and parallel circuits, why not check out some of these tutorials?

  • Voltage Dividers - One of the most basic, and recurring circuits is the voltage divider. This is a circuit which really builds upon the concepts explored in this tutorial.
  • What is an Arduino? - Now that you've got the basics of circuits under your belt, you could head directly to learning about microcontrollers with one of the most popular platforms out there: Arduino.
  • Switch Basics - We've talked about some of the more basic circuit elements in this tutorial, but this wasn't one of them. Switches are a critical component in just about every electronics project out there. Learn all about switches in this tutorial
  • Sewing with Conductive Thread - Circuits don't have to be all breadboards and wire. E-textiles uses conductive thread to sew lights and other electronics into clothing or other fabric.