Proto Pedal Example: Analog Equalizer Project
Byron J.
Having assembled the Proto Pedal in the Proto Pedal Assembly Guide, we'd like to continue by actually building an effect circuit on the board. The circuit we'll be basing this on is Fred Forssell's swinging-input equalizer.
Two-band equalizer pedal.
Required Materials
To build the EQ circuit, we'll need to following components:
Proto Pedal EQ Example
Heads up! The LM358 is scheduled for EOL. We recommend the AS358 as a drop in replacement as the general purpose op-amp. The part is compatible with the 358.
You'll also need the usual tools to solder things together.
- Soldering Iron
- Lead-based or Lead-free solder
- Diagonal or Flush cutters
- Wire Strippers
Additionally, while it's not required, we were using a Resistor Lead Forming tool to get the resistors bent to precise lengths.
Suggested Reading
- If you're here, we'll assume that you're familiar with the Proto Pedal Assembly and Theory guide. If not, you should start there.
- In parallel with this guide, you might also be interested in some information abouyt preparing the Proto Pedal chassis.
- This project is based on Fred Forssell's Equalizer Whitepaper, in particular his Equal Resistor Gyrator.