Pi AVR Programmer HAT Hookup Guide
Resources and Going Further
Now that you've successfully got your Pi AVR Programmer Hat up and running, it's time to incorporate it into your own project!
For more information about the SparkFun Pi AVR Programmer Hat, check out the resources below:
- Schematic
- Eagle Files
- AVRDUDE Manual
- Raspberry Pi Foundation: RPi Hardware SPI
- GitHub Repo: Pi AVR Programmer HAT -- Here you'll find everything from PCB design files, and firmware to example programming setups.
- SFE Product Showcase: SparkFun Pi AVR Programmer HAT
We also recommend looking at the following resources:
- SparkFun
- Python for Beginners:File Handling Cheat Sheet in Python
- Ridge Solutions: Raspberry Pi – Restart / Shutdown Your Pi from Python Code
Want to check out some other SparkFun production processes or information about burning bootloaders on microcontrollers? Check out some of these related tutorials:
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