MPU-9150 Hookup Guide

Contributors: .Brent.
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Resources and Going Further

Hopefully that info dump was enough to get you rolling with the MPU-9150. If you need any more information, here are some more resources:

Going Further

Now that you've got the MPU-9150 up-and-running, what project are you going to incorporate motion-sensing into? Need a little inspiration? Check out some of these tutorials!

MicroView Digital Compass

Build a portable digital compass using the SparkFun MicroView and the MAG3110 Magnetometer Breakout.

TB6612FNG Hookup Guide

Basic hookup guide for the TB6612FNG H-bridge motor driver to get your robot to start moving!

Serial Controlled Motor Driver Hookup Guide

Hookup guide for the Serial Controlled Motor Driver

Getting Started with Walabot

See through walls, track objects, monitor breathing patterns, and more using the power of radio frequency with the Walabot! In this tutorial, we will explore Walabot’s features using the Software Demo Kit (SDK) on Windows and the Application Programming Interface (API) on Linux-based distributions for embedded projects.