LumiDrive Hookup Guide

Contributors: Elias The Sparkiest
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Resources and Going Further

Need more inspiration? Check out some of these tutorials:

Dot/Bar Display Driver Hookup Guide

How to hook up the LM3914 or LM3916 to drive a 10-LED display with a lone analog signal.

LuMini Ring Hookup Guide

The LuMini Rings (APA102-2020) are the highest resolution LED rings available.

SparkFun gator:particle Hookup Guide

The gator:particle is an I2C heart-rate monitor and pulse oximeter that can be used as a particle sensor. This tutorial will get you started using the gator:particle with the micro:bit platform.

Qwiic SHIM Kit for Raspberry Pi Hookup Guide

Get started with the Serial LCD with RGB backlight and 9DoF IMU (ICM-20948) via I2C using the Qwiic system and Python on a Raspberry Pi! Take sensor readings and display them in the serial terminal or SerLCD.

Or check out these blog post: