LilyPad Buttons and Switches

Contributors: Gella
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Resources and Going Further

In addition to using LilyPad pieces to add interactivity to your projects, you can also create your own custom buttons and switches. Check out these blog posts for more:

Ready to add some interactivity to a project using LilyPad Arduino? Check out the ProtoSnap Plus Activity Guide for code examples to follow along with.

LilyPad ProtoSnap Plus Activity Guide

December 7, 2017
Learn how to program in Arduino with the LilyPad ProtoSnap Plus. This guide includes 10 example activities that use the pre-wired LilyPad boards on the LilyPad ProtoSnap Plus.

For inspiration, have a look at some of the following projects!

Soft Circuits: LED Feelings Pizza

Here we will learn how to say how you feel with pizza. Electric pizza.

Twinkling Trick or Treat Bag

Make a light up goodie bag with conductive thread, LEDs, and the LilyTwinkle!

LilyPad Development Board Hookup Guide

The LilyPad Development Board is a sewable electronics prototyping board that you can use to learn circuits and programming with Arduino, then break apart to make an interactive fabric or wearable project.

LilyPad Light Sensor V2 Hookup Guide

How to hook up the LilyPad Light Sensor as well as some project ideas and example code.