Getting Started with the SmartLED Shield for Teensy

Contributors: bboyho
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Example: Feature Demo!

There are a few examples from the SmartMatrix library for the SmartLED Shield. For the scope of the tutorial, we will be highlighting three of the examples.

Feature Demo!

Let's start with the feature demo. After installing the library, click File > Examples > SmartMatrix > FeatureDemo.ino in the Arduino IDE. Once open, there are a minimum of 4 lines to modify to get the example working with your matrix panel:

  • uncomment one line for your MatrixHardware configuration
    • e.g. "#include <MatrixHardware_Teensy3_ShieldV4.h>" if you are using the shield V4 or "#include <MatrixHardware_Teensy4_ShieldV5.h>" if you are using shield V5
  • adjust kMatrixWidth to the width of your panel
  • adjust kMatrixHeight to the height of your panel
  • adjust kPanelType based on the scan rate of your panel as noted in the MatrixCommonHub75.h header file

64x64 Panel with 1:32 Scan Rate

Let's try modifying the example code to work with the 64x64 panel with a 1:32 scan rate. The SmartLED shield is required to address the extra 5th ADDX pin on the IDC connector.

Modifying Code

Adjust the code by simply:

  • uncommenting the line for your hardware configuration
    • in this case, we chose "#include <MatrixHardware_Teensy3_ShieldV4.h>" for the Teensy 3 by removing the "//"
  • adjusting kMatrixWidth to the width of your panel by replacing 32 with 64
  • adjusting kMatrixHeight to the height of your panel by replacing 32 with 64
  • adjusting kPanelType by replacing SMARTMATRIX_HUB75_32ROW_MOD16SCAN with SMARTMATRIX_HUB75_64ROW_MOD32SCAN as noted in the MatrixCommonHub75.h header file

Upload Code

When the changes are completed, select the Teensy board definition with the associated COM port and click upload. You should see the feature demo running. This includes scrolling text, animations, shapes being drawn, brightness changing, and refresh rate changing.

SmartLED Shield Feature Demo Displayed on a 64x64 Panel with 1:32 Scan Rate

Daisy Chained 32x64 with 1:16 Scan Rate

Let's try modifying the example code to work with two 32x64 panels with a 1:16 scan rate. In this example, we manually wire the connection to a Teensy 3.2.

Modifying Code

Modify the original code by:

  • leaving the line "#include <MatrixHardware_Teensy3_ShieldV4.h>" commented out by using the "//"
  • adjusting kMatrixWidth to the width of your panel by replacing 32 with 128
  • keep kMatrixHeight based on the height of your panel by leaving 32 at 32
  • keep kPanelType by leaving SMARTMATRIX_HUB75_32ROW_MOD16SCAN at SMARTMATRIX_HUB75_32ROW_MOD16SCAN as noted in the MatrixCommonHub75.h header file

Upload Code

When the changes are completed, select the Teensy board definition with the associated COM port and click upload. You should see the same demo running but for a matrix size of 32x128!

SmartLED Shield Feature Demo Displayed on two 32x64 Panels with 1:32 Scan Rate