Getting Started with the SmartLED Shield for Teensy

Contributors: bboyho
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Compatibility with Teensy 4

The pinout of the Teensy 4 are different from the Teensy 3. Make sure that you are using the SmartLED Shield V5 for Teensy 4 or the Teensy 4 adapter with the SmartLED Shield V4.

SmartLED Shield - Teensy 4


Below are reserved pins that are used on the SmartLED Shield V5 for Teensy 4.

Reserved Pins on the SmartLED Shield for Teensy 4

Image Courtesy of PJRC and PixelMatix

Make sure to uncomment the following line by removing the single line comment "//" near the top of the example code.

//#include <MatrixHardware_Teensy4_ShieldV5.h> // SmartLED Shield for Teensy 4 (V5)

Depending on the hardware that you are using, you may need to adjust the connection and additional lines of code.