ESP8266 WiFi Shield Hookup Guide
Using the ESP8266 AT Library
The example from the previous section -- and the others included with the library -- should go a long way towards demonstrating the usage of the SparkFun ESP8266 AT library. This section will document some of the more commonly-used functions. For more documentation check out the library's GitHub repository.
You'll need to include two libraries at the top of any ESP8266-using Arduino sketch: <SparkFunESP8266WiFi.h>
and <SoftwareSerial.h>
In your setup()
, to initialize the ESP8266 and make sure it's functioning, call esp8266.begin()
. This function will return either true or false, indicating if communication was successful with the ESP8266.
if (esp8266.begin()) // Initialize the ESP8266 and check it's return status Serial.println("ESP8266 ready to go!"); // Communication and setup successful else Serial.println("Unable to communicate with the ESP8266 :(");
must be called before any other ESP8266 function.
Setting Up WiFi
To connect your ESP8266 to the local WiFi network, call esp8266.connect()
. This function has two parameters: a network SSID and password. For example:
int retVal; retVal = esp8266.connect("myNetwork", "myNetworkPassword"); if (retVal < 0) { Serial.print(F("Error connecting: ")); Serial.println(retVal); }
The connect()
function will also return a value, indicating it's success. Any value greater than 0 indicates success. Any value less than 0 means there was some trouble connecting.
This function can take some time to complete -- the timeout in the library is set to 30 seconds.
After connecting, you can check your local IP address by calling esp8266.localIP()
. This function will return a variable of type IPAddress
IPAddress myIP = esp8266.localIP(); // Get the ESP8266's local IP Serial.print(F("My IP is: ")); Serial.println(myIP);
TCP Client
Once you've connected to a network, you probably want to interact with the Internet! To use the ESP8266 as a TCP client, use the ESP8266Client
class. First, create an object. You can have up to five simultaneous client's:
ESP8266Client client; // Create a client object
Once the client is created, you can call the connect()
member function to connect to a destination server. This function requires two parameters: a destination server (IPAddress or String) and a destination port.
For example, to connect to on port 80, after creating the client object call:
retVal = client.connect("", 80); // Connect to sparkfun (HTTP port) if (retVal > 0) Serial.println("Successfully connected!");
will return a number greater than 0 on success, and a negative value if it fails.
Once you've connected to a server, you can use the standard stream functions to send and receive data. For example, to send an HTTP request use client.print()
client.print("GET / HTTP/1.1\nHost:\nConnection: close\n\n");
Or to read what the server sends back, use client.available()
while (client.available()) // While there's data available Serial.write(; // Read it and print to serial
Finally, to close a client connection, call client.stop()
The ESP8266 AT Library is capable of even more: you can set up a TCP server, turn the ESP8266 into an access point, for example. Load up one of the other examples in the library to give these other features a try.