ESP32 Thing Motion Shield Hookup Guide
Resources and Going Further
Now that you've explored all the aspects of the Motion Shield, it's time to duct tape the Thing to your cat to see just where they really go at night. I hope you don't really do that, but if you wanted to, these links may help you get closer to your goal.
For more information, check out the resources below:
- Schematic (PDF) - ESP32 Thing Motion Shield's schematic.
- Eagle Files (ZIP) - Board layout files.
- LSM9DS1 Datasheet (PDF) - Datasheet for the LSM9DS1 sensor.
- SparkFun Product Showcase: ESP32 Thing Motion Shield
- GitHub: ESP32_Motion_Shield -- Product repository.
- GitHub: ESP32_Motion_Shield/Software -- Software examples (from within product repository).
- Arduino Libraries:
- LSM9DS1 -- Follow the LSM9DS1 Hookup Guide or use the library manager.
- BME280 -- Follow the BME280 Hookup Guide or use the library manager.
- ESP32 Thing Hookup Guide -- Information about the ESP32 Thing board.
- ESP32 Thing Hookup Guide: Resources and Going Further -- Additional resources and going further with the ESP32.
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