Beginner's Guide to KiCad

Contributors: Nate
Favorited Favorite 19

Resources and Going Further

Congratulations! That was a big tutorial and you made it through.

For more information related to KiCad, check out the resources below:

Now that you've learned how to modify schematics, PCB layouts, and libraries, it's time to try out your skills on your own custom project. We recommend using the ZOPT220x UV Sensor Breakout KiCad files as the starting point for your next project. From this example project, you can delete or add devices as you need rather than starting from a blank canvas.

Need some more inspiration? Check out SparkFun's Enginursday and project blog posts about KiCad.

Eagle to KiCad

If you are an EAGLE guru starting to get your feet wet with KiCad, be sure to checkout Lachlan's Eagle to KiCad converter for converting your Eagle PCB layouts to KiCad. It's not perfect but Lachlan has done a tremendous amount of groundwork.

Thanks for reading and if you have any comments or questions please ask them in the comments section.

Digi-Key and SparkFun KiCad Video Series

Or check out 10-part KiCad video series with Digi-Key and SparkFun as Shawn designs a simple 555 timer circuit for a badge, orders parts, and solders the badge together! The video linked below is just after Digi-Key guides you through KiCad and we begin to apply our skills to create the badge.