Basic LED Animations for Beginners (Arduino)

Contributors: Brandon J. Williams
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LEDs can be fun and easy to add to any circuit. There are tons of options! Power indicators, signal indicators, or just downright cool lighting effects. Play around with the Arduino code and make some cool effects. Maybe some illumination may spark something even better. Need some inspiration for your next project? Check out some of these related tutorials using LEDs.

Light Up Your 3D Printer's Bed

Having issues viewing your print in a dark lit room? In this tutorial, we will be using LED strips to light up a print bed's area on a LulzBot 3D printer!

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An introduction to the RedBoard Turbo. Level up your Arduino-skills with the powerful SAMD21 ARM Cortex M0+ processor!

Tinker Kit Circuit Guide

This guide takes you through the basics of building 11 different circuits with the SparkFun Tinker Kit and how to program them using the Arduino IDE.

SparkFun Arduino UNO R4 WiFi Qwiic Kit Hookup Guide

The SparkFun Arduino UNO R4 WiFi Qwiic Kit is a great way to get started with Arduino and the Qwiic-connect system - use this guide to get started!

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