Using the A111 Pulsed Radar Sensor with a Raspberry Pi

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View the updated tutorial: Getting Started with the A111 Pulsed Radar Sensor

Contributors: jimblom
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Setup the Hardware

Raspbian and SPI

This tutorial assumes you've already set up a Raspberry Pi with Raspbian. For help installing the Debian-based OS on your Pi, check out the docs on Or -- better yet! -- check out our Headless Raspberry Pi Setup tutorial.

You'll also need to enable SPI on your Pi. For help with that, check out our SPI on Pi tutorial.

The A111 Pulsed Radar Breakout is designed to sit directly on top of a Raspberry Pi. It doesn't span all 40 (2x20) pins of a Raspberry Pi B+ (or later), but the 26-pin -- 2x13 -- header should be compatible with any Pi.

Solder the 2x13 header so the female side is facing away from the greenish-black A111 IC. Then connect the shield to a Raspberry Pi ensuring that the "Pi Display" text on the breakout matches up with the display header on your Pi. The sensor should be facing up after plugging it in.

Breakout Stacked on a Pi

A111 Breakout plugged into a Raspberry Pi.

Or, if you'd like to manually wire the breakout up to a Pi, here is the pin-out we'll use through the rest of this tutorial:

Breakout PinRaspberry Pi Pin NameRasPi Pin Number
GNDGND6, 14, 20, etc.
VIN5V2, 4

Enable SPI on your Raspberry Pi