Twinkling Trick or Treat Bag
Step 4: Sew Negative Lines
The negative lines work a little differently - we can connect all of them together with one piece of conductive thread. Make sure you have a really long piece of thread to start with.
Remember to keep checking both the front and back of your stitches to avoid tangles or knots.
- With a new piece of thread loop 2-3 times through and around the negative pin of the LilyTwinkle and follow the line to connect it to the negative pin of the battery holder.
- Continue sewing up to your first negative pin on LED 1.
- Loop through and around it there 2-3 times and continue your trace from right to left. Loop 2-3 times through and around each of the negative pins on LEDs 2-4.
- Once you reach the negative pin on LED 4, loop and knot it there. Cut off any excess thread.
- Hooray! This completes your sewing.