TeensyView Hookup Guide

Contributors: MTaylor
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Software Installation

The Teensy line doesn't rely on Arduino's compiler and libraries. Instead, the Teensyduino add-on supplies the resource.

To use the TeensyView, you'll need:

  • A compatible Arduino IDE
  • A version of Teensyduino to match your Arduino IDE
  • The TeensyView Arduino Library
Note: See the Teensyduino download page for the latest information on compatiblility between TeensyDuino and Arduino IDE versions, and to download the add-on.

Getting the Arduino IDE and Teensyduino

Follow these steps to get what you need to compile for the Teensy.

  1. Install a nonweb-based Arduino.

    See PJRC Teensyduino page for Arduino compatibility information.

    Download compatible Arduino software and install to a directory -- click on previous version of the current release for older releases.

    Windows Tip: The "Windows Installer" installs to your program directory and is fine for general use without version information. It expects only one installation to be present. When uisng Teensyduino with older versions of Teensy, use the "Windows ZIP file for non admin" and install it to a directory with version number in the name, and make an extra shortcut in your start menu. This will allow you to choose the latest Arduino for general use, or a particular installation for Teensy (or other boards).
  2. Install Teensyduino to your new Arduino installation

    Get Teensyduino installer from PJRC Teensyduino page (same as above). Run the installer. It will ask for:

    • The newly installed Arduino folder
    • Which libraries to include (all recommended)

    Older versions of Teensyduino can be obtained by changing the version number in the download link.

  3. Test your installation by selecting your Teensy board from the dropdown menu and then running the Blink example.

Getting the TeensyView Arduino Library

To get the Arduino library, download from GitHub or use the Arduino Library Manager.

Download the GitHub repository

Visit the GitHub repository to download the most recent version of the library, or click the button below:

Use the library manager or install in the Arduino IDE

For help installing the library, check out our Installing an Arduino Library tutorial.

If you don't end up using the manager, you'll need to move the SparkFun_TeensyView_Arduino_Library folder into a libraries folder within your Arduino sketchbook. You can remove "master" from the name if you like.