RGB Panel Jumbotron

Contributors: b_e_n
Favorited Favorite 7


Once you've got the hardware, your first stop is our RGB Panel Hookup Guide - specifically the part about powering the panel. We'll be powering our project the exact same way, so go ahead a take a little detour over there. Note: Just do the power supply part, NOT the hardware hookup - our configuration is different.

Your power supply should look like this when finished:

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You'll also want to solder some headers (the ones in the wish list) onto your Teensy so we can stick it into a breadboard and hook it up to the RGB Panel.

alt text

It should look something like this

We'll be programming using Processing and Arduino - so you'll want to download both of those if you don't have them already (the latest versions should work just fine). In order to program the Teensy from the Arduino IDE, you'll also need to install the Teensyduino library (instructions from the link).