RGB Panel Jumbotron

Contributors: b_e_n
Favorited Favorite 7

Teensy Code

The Teensy code is fairly long and involved, so we're just going to embed the whole thing here.

* Further modified by Ben Leduc-Mills, standing on the shoulders of those mentioned below.
* Modified by Markus Lipp adding interleaved buffers, streaming, 32x32 & 24bit support
* Based on "_16x32_Matrix R3.0" by Creater Alex Medeiros, http://PenguinTech.tk
* Use code freely and distort its contents as much as you want, just remeber to thank the
* original creaters of the code by leaving their information in the header. :)

//Define pins
const uint8_t

APIN      = 15, BPIN      = 22, CPIN      = 23, DPIN = 9,
CLOCKPIN  = 10, LATCHPIN  = 13, OEPIN     = 11,

R1PIN     = 2, R2PIN     = 8,
G1PIN     = 14, G2PIN     = 6,
B1PIN     = 7, B2PIN     = 20;

uint8_t pinTable[13] =

//Addresses 1/8 rows Through a decoder
uint16_t const A = 1, B = 2, C = 4, D = 8;

//Acts like a 16 bit shift register
uint16_t const SCLK   = 16;
uint16_t const LATCH  = 32;
uint16_t const OE     = 64;

//Decoder counter var
uint16_t const abcVar[16] =
    0, A, B, A + B, C, C + A, C + B, A + B + C,
    0 + D, A + D, B + D, A + B + D, C + D, C + A + D, C + B + D, A + B + C + D

//Data Lines for row 1 red and row 9 red, ect.
uint16_t const RED1   = 1, RED2   = 8;
uint16_t const GREEN1 = 2, GREEN2 = 16;
uint16_t const BLUE1  = 4, BLUE2  = 32;

const uint8_t SIZEX = 32;
const uint8_t SIZEY = 32;

//Here is where the data is all read
uint8_t interleavedBuffer[SIZEX*SIZEY * 4];

//BAM and interrupt variables
boolean actDisplay = false;
uint8_t rowN = 0;
uint16_t BAM;
uint8_t BAMMAX = 7; //now 24bit color! (0-7)

void setup()
    for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 13; i++)
        pinMode(pinTable[i], OUTPUT);

uint8_t r, g, prevVal, val;
int dataPos = 0;

void loop()
    if (Serial.available())
        prevVal = val;
        val = Serial.read();

        if ( (prevVal == 192 && val == 192) || dataPos >= 4096)
            dataPos = 0;
            interleavedBuffer[dataPos++] = val;

IntervalTimer timer1;

#define BAMDUR 2
void timerInit()
    BAM = 0;
    timer1.begin(attackMatrix, BAMDUR);

//The updating matrix stuff happens here
//Each pair of rows is taken through its BAM cycle,
//then the rowNumber is increased and id done again
void attackMatrix()
    uint16_t portData;

    //sets up which BAM the matrix is on
    if(BAM == 0)
        timer1.begin(attackMatrix, BAMDUR);    //code takes max 41 microsec to complete
    if(BAM == 1)
        timer1.begin(attackMatrix, BAMDUR * 2);    //so 42 is a safe number
    if(BAM == 2)
        timer1.begin(attackMatrix, BAMDUR * 4);
    if(BAM == 3)
        timer1.begin(attackMatrix, BAMDUR * 8);
    if(BAM == 4)
        timer1.begin(attackMatrix, BAMDUR * 16);
    if(BAM == 5)
        timer1.begin(attackMatrix, BAMDUR * 32);
    if(BAM == 6)
        timer1.begin(attackMatrix, BAMDUR * 64);
    if(BAM == 7)
        timer1.begin(attackMatrix, BAMDUR * 128);

    portData = 0; // Clear data to enter
    portData |= (abcVar[rowN]) | OE; // abc, OE
    portData &= ~ LATCH;       //LATCH LOW
    GPIOC_PDOR = portData;  // Write to Port

    uint8_t *start = &interleavedBuffer[rowN * SIZEX * 8 + ((7 - BAMMAX) + BAM) * 32];

    for(uint8_t _x = 0; _x < 32; _x++)
        GPIOD_PDOR = start[_x]; // Transfer data
        GPIOC_PDOR |=  SCLK;// Clock HIGH
        GPIOC_PDOR &= ~ SCLK; // Clock LOW

    GPIOC_PDOR &= ~ OE; // OE LOW, Displays line

    if(BAM >= BAMMAX)   //Checks the BAM cycle for next time.

        if(rowN == 15)
            rowN = 0;
            rowN ++;
        BAM = 0;
        actDisplay = false;
        BAM ++;
        actDisplay = true;

Remember to have the board type (Teensy 3.1), USB Type (serial), and CPU Speed (96kHz overclock) set correctly under the 'Tools' menu in the Arduino IDE.