Qwiic Digital Indoor Thermometer

Contributors: bboyho
Favorited Favorite 8

Installing Arduino Libraries

Note: If this is your first time using Arduino, please review our tutorial on installing the Arduino IDE. If you have not previously installed an Arduino library, please check out our installation guide.

You'll need to need to download and install a two Arduino libraries for this project tutorial.

Qwiic Micro OLED Library

To display the sensor readings, we will use the SparkFun Micro OLED library. You can install this library to automatically in the Arduino IDE's Library Manager by searching for "Micro OLED Breakout". Or you can manually download it from the GitHub repository.

Qwiic TMP117 Option 1

To measure temperature from the TMP117, we will use the SparkFUN TMP117 Arduino Library. We'll install this library automatically by using the Library Manager again by searching for Qwiic TMP117. If you prefer downloading the libraries manually you can grab them from the GitHub repository.

Qwiic TMP102 Option 2

If you do not require such high precision opted for the Qwiic TMP102, you can also use the Qwiic TMP102. If you chose this route, you will need to use teh SparkFUN TMP102 Arduino Library. We'll install this library automatically by using the Library Manager by searching for SparkFun TMP102. If you prefer downloading libraries manually, you can grab it from the GitHub Repository.