Pi Servo pHAT (v2) Hookup Guide
Python Package Overview
Note: This package assumes you are using the latest version of Python 3. If this is your first time using Python or I2C hardware on a Raspberry Pi, please checkout our tutorial on Python Programming with the Raspberry Pi and the Raspberry Pi SPI and I2C Tutorial.
*On the Raspberry Pi, Python 2 and 3 are included with the Raspbian OS (with desktop and recommended software) image.
Support Tip: Don't forget to double check that the hardware I2C connection is enabled on your Raspberry Pi or other single board computer.
There are two Python packages for this product. Qwiic_PCA9685_Py is an underlying package for the operation of the PCA9685 PWM controller IC. While, PiServoHat_Py is a package, built specifically for this product, to control servos. We've written these packages to easily start controlling servos with the Pi Servo pHAT.
To install the Python packages for this product, it is recommended that users install the SparkFun Qwiic Python package, which installs all the available Python packages for our Qwiic products and includes the required I2C driver package. On systems that support PyPi installation via pip3
(use pip
for Python 2) is simple, using the following commands:
For all users (note: the user must have sudo privileges):
sudo pip3 install sparkfun-qwiic
For the current user:
pip3 install sparkfun-qwiic
You can install the sparkfun-sparkfun-qwiic-pca9685
Python package hosted by PyPi. If you prefer to manually download and install the package from the GitHub repository, you can grab them here (*Please be aware of any package dependencies. You can also check out the repository documentation page, hosted on ReadtheDocs.):
PyPi Installation
This repository is hosted on PyPi as the sparkfun-qwiic-pca9685 package
. On systems that support PyPi installation via pip3
(use pip
for Python 2) is simple, using the following commands:
For all users (note: the user must have sudo privileges):
sudo pip3 install sparkfun-qwiic-pca9685
For the current user:
pip3 install sparkfun-qwiic-pca9685
Local Installation
To install, make sure the setuptools
package is installed on the system.
Direct installation at the command line (use python
for Python 2):
python3 setup.py install
To build a package for use with pip3
python3 setup.py sdist
A package file is built and placed in a subdirectory called dist. This package file can be installed using pip3
cd dist pip3 install sparkfun_qwiic_pca9685-<version>.tar.gz
Python Package Operation
As this is an underlying package for the PCA9685 PWM controller IC, we will not go into the details of the package operation. However, users are welcome to check out the ReadtheDocs documentation.
You can install the sparkfun-pi-servo-hat
Python package hosted by PyPi. If you prefer to manually download and install the package from the GitHub repository, you can grab them here (*Please be aware of any package dependencies. You can also check out the repository documentation page, hosted on ReadtheDocs.):
PyPi Installation
This repository is hosted on PyPi as the sparkfun-pi-servo-hat package
. On systems that support PyPi installation via pip3
(use pip
for Python 2) is simple, using the following commands:
For all users (note: the user must have sudo privileges):
sudo pip3 install sparkfun-pi-servo-hat
For the current user:
pip3 install sparkfun-pi-servo-hat
Local Installation
To install, make sure the setuptools
package is installed on the system.
Direct installation at the command line:
python setup.py install
To build a package for use with pip3
python setup.py sdist
A package file is built and placed in a subdirectory called dist. This package file can be installed using pip3
cd dist pip3 install sparkfun_pi_servo_hat-<version>.tar.gz
Python Package Operation
Below is a description of the basic functionality of the Python package. This includes the package organization, built-in methods, and their inputs and/or outputs. For more details on how the Python package works, check out the source code and the sensor datasheet.
This Python package has a very few dependencies in the code, listed below:
import time # Time access and conversion package import math # Basic math package import qwiic_pca9685 # PCA9685 LED driver package
Default Variables
The default variables, in the code, for this Python package are listed below:
# Device Name: _DEFAULT_NAME = "Pi Servo HAT" # Fixed Address: _AVAILABLE_I2C_ADDRESS = [0x40] # Default Servo Frequency: _DEFAULT_SERVO_FREQUENCY = 50 # Hz # Special Use Addresses: gcAddr = 0x00 # General Call address for software reset acAddr = 0x70 # All Call address- used for modifications to # multiple PCA9685 chips reguardless of thier # I2C address set by hardware pins (A0 to A5). subAddr_1 = 0x71 # 1110 001X or 0xE2 (7-bit) subAddr_2 = 0x72 # 1110 010X or 0xE4 (7-bit) subAddr_3 = 0x74 # 1110 100X or 0xE8 (7-bit)
or PiServoHat(address, debug=None)
This Python package operates as a class object, allowing new instances of that type to be made. An __init__()
constructor is used that creates a connection to an I2C device over the I2C bus using the default or specified I2C address.
The Constructor
A constructor is a special kind of method used to initialize (assign values to) the data members needed by the object when it is created.
__init__(address, debug)
variable. The All Call address is 0x70.
0: Don't print debug statements.
1: Print debug statements.
True: Connected to I2C device on the default (or specified) address.
False: No device found or connected.
A function that is an attribute of the class, which defines a method for instances of that class. In simple terms, they are objects for the operations (or methods) of the class.
Soft resets the PCA9685 chip and then clears the MODE1
register to restart the PWM functionality. The PWM frequency is also returned to the default 50 Hz setting.
Reads the PWM frequency used on the outputs.
Range: 24 Hz to 1526 Hz
Configures the PWM frequency used on outputs. 50 Hz is the default and recommended for most servos.
Range: 24 Hz to 1526 Hz
or .get_servo_position(channel, swing)
Estimates the orientation of the servo arm in degrees. The estimation is based upon the timing that is configured for the PWM signal, on the specified channel.
Channel of Interest
Range: 0 to 15
90: Servo with 90° arm swing.
180: Servo with 180° arm swing.
Estimated servo arm position.
.move_servo_position(channel, position)
or .move_servo_position(channel, position, swing)
Moves servo to specified location in degrees.
Channel of Interest
Range: 0 to 15
Specified servo arm position.
Input: Value
90: Servo with 90° arm swing.
180: Servo with 180° arm swing.
.set_duty_cycle(channel, duty_cycle)
Moves servo to specified location based on duty-cycle.
Channel of Interest
Range: 0 to 15
Duty-Cycle (Percentage)
Range: 0 to 100 (%) (Resolution: 1/4096)
Upgrading Packages
In the future, changes to the Python packages might be made. Updating the installed packages has to be done individually for each package (i.e. sub-modules and dependencies won't update automatically and must be updated manually). For the SomePackage
Python package, use the following command (use pip
for Python 2):
For all users (note: the user must have sudo privileges):
sudo pip3 install --upgrade SomePackage
For the current user:
pip3 install --upgrade SomePackage