Photon Weather Shield Hookup Guide

This Tutorial is Retired!

This tutorial covers concepts or technologies that are no longer current. It's still here for you to read and enjoy, but may not be as useful as our newest tutorials.

Note: V11 of the Photon Weather Shield utilizes the Si7021 for humidity and temperature sensing as opposed to the HTU21D.

View the updated tutorial: Photon Weather Shield Hookup Guide V11

Contributors: Joel_E_B
Favorited Favorite 7


Communicating over Bluetooth

To configure the master and slave devices, connect your terminal emulator on the host to the devices via the COM port using the settings 115200 baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control. This works well using Hyperterminal on the PC. Note: Both BT modules are slaves by default.

A.) Setting Up Your Slave Device

On the device you want to be the slave device (the LCD), issue the following commands:

  1. Put the device in command mode by sending the $$$ command. The device returns CMD to indicate it is in command mode.

  2. Send SM,0 to put the device into slave mode.

  3. Verify that the device is in slave mode by issuing the D action command. Look for the MODE =Slav message.

  4. Reboot the device using the R,1 command. The changes do not take effect until the device is rebooted.

B.) Setting Up Your Master Device

On the master device (the Photon), issue the following commands:

  1. Put the device in command mode by sending the $$$ command. The device returns CMD to indicate it is in command mode.

  2. Send SM,3 to put the device into auto mode.

  3. Verify that the device is in auto mode by issuing the D action command. Look for the MODE =Auto message.

  4. Ensure that the slave device is turned on, and send the I inquire command.

  5. Locate the slave's (remote side) Bluetooth address (BTA) in the results of the inquiry command. The BTA is a 6-byte (12 hex-characters) value.

    1. Store the remote BTA using the SR,


address> command. For example, if the remote BTA is 000666037083, enter the command SR,000666037083 to store the remote address. The D command should show the slave's address under "Rem=".

  1. Reboot the device using the R,1 command. The changes do not take effect until the device is rebooted. The master device restarts and connects with the remote slave device. A solid green LED indicates that the devices are connected."