Mini GPS Shield Hookup Guide
The Mini GPS Shield is a mini version of the SparkFun GPS Logger Shield. While the GPS Logger Shield was designed to work with the Arduino RedBoard, the Mini GPS Shield was designed to work with the Arduino Mini/Micro boards.
SparkFun Mini GPS Shield
GPS-14030Just like its big brother, the Mini GPS Shield equips your Arduino Mini with access to a GPS module and µSD memory card socket for data logging. The board also uses a level shifter, so there's no need to worry about the logic voltage of your Arduino Mini.
Check out the video below to see the Mini GPS Shield in action.
Required Materials
For this guide, you'll need the following:
The wish list above has the 5V Arduino Pro Mini, but the 3.3V Pro Mini, Pro Micro, SAMD21 Mini, or ANY of our Arduino Mini form factor boards will work just as well.
Suggested Reading
If you have never worked with the Arduino Pro Mini or similar platforms before, we suggest having a look at the following tutorials before continuing.
What is an Arduino?
Installing Arduino IDE
How to Install FTDI Drivers
Using the Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V
If you have never worked with GPS before, have a look at our GPS Basics tutorial.