MicroView Digital Compass

Contributors: AGlass0fMilk
Favorited Favorite 5

Resources and Going Further

There are a many more cool projects you can make with the MAG3110 sensor. If you combine the MAG3110 with a few other sensors, you can make a variety of projects that involve location and orientation sensing.

Check out Shawn Hymel's Adventues in Science: Using a Magnetometer as a Compass and example code for ideas:

For more sensor fun, check out these other great SparkFun tutorials:

Hackers in Residence - The ElectricBone

Drum machines and keyboards have been the standard for making digital music, but how do you make electronic music if you're trained to play the trombone? One of our Hackers in Residence, Carlos Mello, took it upon himself to find a solution to that very question.

micro:bit Educator Lab Pack Experiment Guide

A quickstart guide for the micro:bit educator lab pack.

Hazardous Gas Monitor

Build a portable gas monitor to check for dangerous levels of hazardous gases.

RHT03 (DHT22) Humidity and Temperature Sensor Hookup Guide

Measure relative humidity and temperature or your environment with the RHT03 (a.k.a DHT22) low cost sensor on a single wire digital interface connected to an Arduino!