MicroSD Breakout With Level Shifter Hookup Guide

Contributors: .Brent.
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Resources and Going Further

Now that you know how to add more storage to your Arduino projects, it's time to get out there and create something amazing. Need some inspiration? Check out these other SparkFun tutorials.

  • SD cards are a great way to add more storage to Internet of Things projects. You can add a microSD Shield to a WiFly Shield to serve up larger web pages or hold more data. You can also use the CC3000 Shield, which has a microSD card slot built in.
  • Need more power than your Arduino can provide? Check out the Edison, which also has a microSD card Block to add more storage to larger projects.
  • Logging data is a common use for SD cards. Take your logging project to the next level with the Logomatic.

Or check out any tutorial tagged with logging for inspiration:

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The gator:log is a serial communication based data logger. This tutorial will get you started using the gator:log with the micro:bit platform.