MicroMod nRF52840 Processor Hookup Guide
El Duderino, MAKIN-STUFF
Resources and Going Further
For more information about the MicroMod nRF52840 Processor, check out the following links:
- Schematic (PDF)
- Eagle Files (ZIP)
- Board Dimensions (PNG)
- Graphical Datasheet (PDF)
- Datasheet - MDBT50Q Module
- Datasheet - nRF52840 IC
- GitHub Hardware Repo
For more information about the SparkFun MicroMod Ecosystem, take a look at the links below:
Need some inspiration for a project using your nRF52840 Processor? The tutorials below may help you get started!
SparkFun MicroMod Input and Display Carrier Board Hookup Guide
A short Hookup Guide to get started with the SparkFun MicroMod Input and Display Carrier Board
MicroMod Teensy Processor Hookup Guide
Add the processing power and versatility of the Teensy to your MicroMod project following this guide for the SparkFun MicroMod Teensy Processor.
Qwiic Digital Desk Sign with MicroMod
Make a Qwiic-enabled digital desk sign with a MicroMod SAMD51 Processor Board's USB Host and a USB keyboard!
Cellular Function Board - Blues Wireless Notecarrier
Add a global cellular module to your MicroMod project with the SparkFun Cellular Function Board - Blues Wireless Notecarrier. With this Function board you can not only send data to and from your MicroMod project, you can even update the firmware on the STM32 MicroMod Processor.