MicroMod Artemis Processor Board Hookup Guide

Contributors: Nate, Ell C
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Leveraging the ultra powerful Artemis Module, the SparkFun MicroMod Artemis Processor is the brain board of your dreams. With a Cortex-M4F with BLE 5.0 running up to 96MHz and with as low power as 6uA per MHz (less than 5mW), the M.2 MicroMod connector allows you to plug in a MicroMod Carrier Board with any number of peripherals. Let's have a look at what this processor board has to offer!

SparkFun MicroMod Artemis Processor


Required Materials

In addition to your MicroMod Artemis Processor Board, you'll need a carrier board to get started. Here we use the Machine Learning Carrier Board, but there are a number of others you can choose from.

SparkFun MicroMod ATP Carrier Board


SparkFun MicroMod Data Logging Carrier Board


SparkFun MicroMod Machine Learning Carrier Board


You'll also need a USB-C cable to connect the Carrier to your computer and if you want to add some Qwiic breakouts to your MicroMod project you'll want at least one Qwiic cable to connect it all together. Below are some options for both of those cables:

SparkFun Qwiic Cable Kit


USB 3.1 Cable A to C - 3 Foot


Reversible USB A to C Cable - 2m


Depending on which Carrier Board you choose, you may need a few extra peripherals to take full advantage of them. Refer to the Carrier Boards' respective Hookup Guides for specific peripheral recommendations.

Suggested Reading

The SparkFun MicroMod ecosystem is a unique way to allow users to customize their project to their needs. Do you want to send your weather data via a wireless signal (eg. Bluetooth or WiFi)? There's a MicroMod processor for that. Looking to instead maximize efficiency and processing power? You guessed it, there's a MicroMod processor for that. If you are not familiar with the MicroMod system, take a look here:

MicroMod Logo
MicroMod Ecosystem

We also recommend taking a look through the following tutorials if you are not familiar with the concepts covered in them:

Getting Started with MicroMod

Dive into the world of MicroMod - a compact interface to connect a microcontroller to various peripherals via the M.2 Connector!

Designing with MicroMod

This tutorial will walk you through the specs of the MicroMod processor and carrier board as well as the basics of incorporating the MicroMod form factor into your own PCB designs!

MicroMod Machine Learning Carrier Board Hookup Guide

Get hacking with this tutorial on our Machine Learning Carrier Board!