MicroMod Artemis Processor Board Hookup Guide

Contributors: Nate, Ell C
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Example 2: PDM

We've built the Arduino core for Artemis from the ground up and a large number of our built-in examples will work out of the box with the Artemis MicroMod Processor Board. You'll find them under File->Examples->'Examples for SparkFun Artemis MicroMod'.

Let's run a quick one from the examples here and take advantage of the two built in microphones on the Machine Learning Carrier Board we're using. Go to File->Examples->PDM->Example1_MicrophoneOutput

Arduino sub menu showing Artemis examples

Click above image for full menu context

Make sure you have the correct board and port selected, and then upload the code. Once the code finishes transferring, open the serial monitor and set the baud rate to 115200. You should see something like the following:

PDM Microphone example serial output

Having a hard time seeing? Click the image for a closer look.

Notice that if you hoot and holler, the output changes.

Within the 'Examples for SparkFun Artemis Micromod' menu, we've got examples for setting up multiple I2C ports (it's amazingly easy), writing to EEPROM, using SoftwareSerial (all 48 pins can be serial!), using the the onboard microphone, and using servos (up to 32!). We're adding more all the time so be sure to keep your core up to date.