micro:bit Breakout Board Hookup Guide

Contributors: Shawn Hymel, Ell C
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Resources and Going Further

With the micro:bit breakout board, you can start introducing more sensors, lights, and motors into your project! For more information, check out these resources:

Need some inspiration for your next project? Check out some of these related tutorials:

Logomatic Hookup Guide

Basic introduction and hook-up guide for the SparkFun Logomatic.

Sensor Kit Resource Hub

An overview of each component in the SparkFun Sensor Kit, plus links to tutorials and other resources you'll need to hook them up.

TFMini - Micro LiDAR Module Hookup Guide

The TFMini is a ToF (Time of Flight) LiDAR sensor capable of measuring the distance to an object as close as 30 cm and as far as 12 meters! The TFMini allows you to integrate LiDAR into applications traditionally reserved for smaller sensors such as the SHARP GP-series infrared rangefinders.

AVR-Based Serial Enabled LCDs Hookup Guide

The AVR-based Qwiic Serial Enabled LCDs are a simple and cost effective solution to include in your project. These screens are based on the HD44780 controller, and include ATmega328P with an Arduino compatible bootloader. They accept control commands via Serial, SPI and I2C (via PTH headers or Qwiic connector). In this tutorial, we will show examples of a simple setup and go through each communication option.

Getting Started with the Artemis Development Kit

This guide covers the general design of the board, the installation of the recommended software used to program the Artemis DK, and some basic examples. For more advanced functionalities, we have separate software development guides for the AmbiqSDK, Arm® Mbed™ OS, and the Arduino IDE platforms that users can reference.

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A guide to get started with the DA16200 Thing Plus.

Calibrating Your Odometry Sensor

In this tutorial, we will cover how to calibrate your Qwiic Optical Tracking Odometry Sensor (or "OTOS") with Arduino and Python Examples.