Comments: micro:bit Breakout Board Hookup Guide
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We welcome your comments and suggestions below. However, if you are looking for solutions to technical questions please see our Technical Assistance page.
I think the code for the RGB LED has been deleted in your example.
Hmm....I can still see it on my end. Can you access it through this link?
Nice! Where can I find Fritzing file you use with micro:bit and breakout board? I can't find it on web.
The micro:bit can be found here: and the breakout board is here: Hope that helps!
You list the power pin (3v3) as "output only". The schematic and my testing show that you can power the microbit through the 3v3 pin of the edge connector. As noted in the microbit documentation, you must insure that power does not exceed 3.6v.
Fixed. Thank you!