LuMini Ring Hookup Guide

Contributors: Englandsaurus
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Resources & Going Further

Now that you've successfully got your LuMini Ring up and running, it's time to incorporate it into your own project! For more information about the LuMini Ring, check out the links below.

Lumini Ring 3 Inch

Lumini Ring 2 Inch

Lumini Ring 1 Inch

Looking for a different way of controlling the LuMini Rings? Check out the LuMini Drive to program the APA102's in Circuit Python.

LumiDrive Hookup Guide

January 17, 2019
The LumiDrive LED Driver is SparkFun’s foray into all things Python on micro-controllers. With the SparkFun LumiDrive you will be able to control and personalize a whole strand of APA102s directly from the board itself.

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