GPS Differential Vector Pointer

Contributors: Dustin Larsen
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To ensure the system aligns with the earth's frame of reference and is in the correct orientation, use the compass to line the arrow on the Base Station top with true North. Once powered up, both systems will sit idle as they acquire a satellite lock. Once both have established a lock, which may take up to a minute, the servo will point to where it interprets the target object is. This will update continuously to point at the most recent location of the target object. If the angle is substantially off or the servo is maxed out in one direction you might need to make sure the whole system is pointing in the right direction since it is limited in which direction it works.

Warning! Laser can be harmful to eyes so if you are the one holding the target object it would be a good safety measure to have laser glasses for 532nm wavelength.

Final Base and Target

Final Base (right) and Target (left).