Comments: Getting Started with MicroPython and the SparkFun Inventor's Kit for micro:bit
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I tried to use the code EXCALTY as provided in Experiment 8: Using a Servo Motor. I am using a micro:bit v2 and MicroPython as described in the article. I keep getting an error with Line 18: "". The error says "ValueError: invalid period". I keep getting this error when I use set_analog_period from other servo code that I find on the Internet. It seems like there is an error in MicroPython that doesn't allow it to use some commands on the mico:bit v2, but I'm not certain.
So you did not do anything with the matrix of 25 LEDs on the MicroBit? Kind of odd, seems like a major feature for intended audience.
The first part of Experiment 0 demonstrates how to scroll text and the second part shows how to create custom icons on the 5x5 LED matrix. This was my first priority actually. I didn't get any images of the scrolling text which is probably why it didn't read very well in the tutorial. But I agree that is a major feature.