Force Sensitive Resistor Hookup Guide
Resources and Going Further
Now that you've got a force-sensing Arduino circuit, what project are you going to create? If you need more FSR-related resources, be sure to check out the integration guide/user manual, which goes in-depth on the sensor's characteristics. The guide also presents a few more complex circuits you can try hooking up to get even more sensitivity out of your FSR. Try making a pressure-sensing button or adding some feedback to a robot gripper.
- Interlink
- TekScan
- Datasheet (PDF)
- FlexiForce Pressure Sensor - 25lbs (1" area) - ZFLEX A401-25
- FlexiForce Pressure Sensor - 1lb, 25lbs, 100lbs (0.375" area) - ZFLEX A201-1, ZFLEX A201-25, ZFLEX A201-100
- User Manual (PDF)
- How Do I Calibrate My FlexiForce Sensor?
- Datasheet (PDF)
- Open Music Labs: Force Sensitive Resistors (FSRs)
Need some project inspiration? Want to check out some similar analog sensors? Check out some of these related tutorials:
Getting Started with Load Cells
A tutorial defining what a load cell is and how to use one.
SIK Keyboard Instrument
We can use the parts and concepts in the SparkFun Invetor's Kit to make a primitive keyboard instrument.
Sensor Kit Resource Hub
An overview of each component in the SparkFun Sensor Kit, plus links to tutorials and other resources you'll need to hook them up.
Flex Sensor Hookup Guide
An overview of the flex sensor - a bendable variable resistor. Plus, example circuits and Arduino code to get you started!