Dialog ULP WiFi DA16200 R3 Shield Hookup Guide

Contributors: Alex the Giant, Ell C
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Example 2: GPIO and LEDs

In this example, we're going to show you how to use the provided GPIO. Before we get started, let's get our hardware all hooked up.

To start with, you'll need to solder headers to the DA16200 GPIO PTH pins.

Headers are soldered to the 16200 pins

Note: The LEDs used in this example contain a built-in resistor. If you do not use the LEDs we have recommended (or similar), make sure you add appropriate resistors to the circuit below!

With your shield plugged into a SparkFun RedBoard (with 3.3V logic!!!), connect up your LEDs like so:

  • Connect LED1 with current limiting resistor to GPIOC6
  • Connect LED2 with current limiting resistor to GPIOC7
  • Connect LED3 with current limiting resistor to GPIOC8

Make sure switch is in the "SW" position. Here's a Fritzing image to help you sort out the connections:

Fritzing hookup image

Our actual hookup looks like this:

Actual image of the LEDs all hooked up

Click the image for a closer view.

Plug your board into your computer, and copy and paste the code below into a fresh Arduino sketch. Find the lines that define the SOFTWARE_SERIAL_BAUD and uncomment the line that contains the appropriate baud rate.

  Example_02 Basic Communication

  Configure GPIOC6-8 as output pins, and toggle each LED individually.

  Development environment specifics:
  IDE: Arduino 1.8.13
  Hardware Platform: SparkFun RedBoard Qwiic (3.3V LOGIC!!!!)

  Hardware Connections:
  - Connect the shield to a 3.3V logic Arduino R3 board
  - Connect LED1 with current limiting resistor to GPIOC6
  - Connect LED2 with current limiting resistor to GPIOC7
  - Connect LED3 with current limiting resistor to GPIOC8
  - Make sure switch is in the "SW" position

  ARDUINO --> WiFi Shield --> External
  8       --> RX1
  9       --> TX1
  4       --> RTC_PWR_KEY
  -       --> GPIOC6      --> LED1
  -       --> GPIOC7      --> LED2
  -       --> GPIOC8      --> LED3
  3.3V    --> 3.3V
  GND     --> GND         --> GND

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


#define RX1 8
#define TX1 9
#define RTC_PWR_KEY 4

//#define SOFTWARE_SERIAL_BAUD 115200

SoftwareSerial WiFiSerial(RX1,TX1); //Configure SoftwareSerial

void setup() {
  WiFiSerial.begin(SOFTWARE_SERIAL_BAUD); //Set SoftwareSerial baud

  //Enable DA16200 Module RTC power block

  Serial.println("DA16200 AT Command Example: Controlling GPIO\n");

  //Listen for ready message ("+INIT:DONE")
  byte count = 0;
  String msg = "";
      msg += char(WiFiSerial.read());
    if(msg.length() > 5) break;
  msg = msg.substring(3,msg.length());

    Serial.println("Expecting: \"INIT:DONE,(0 or 1)");
    Serial.println("Received: " + msg);
    Serial.println("Failed to receive initialization message.\n" \
                   "Make sure you're using the correct baud rate.\n");
    while(1); //Unable to communcation with module, so don't move forward

  WiFiSerial.println("AT+GPIOSTART=2,1C0,1"); //Configure GPIOC6, GPIOC7, GPIOC8 as outputs

void loop() {
  WiFiSerial.println("AT+GPIOWR=2,100,1"); //Set GPIOC8 high
  WiFiSerial.println("AT+GPIOWR=2,0C0,0"); //Set GPIOC6, GPIOC7 low
  WiFiSerial.println("AT+GPIOWR=2,080,1"); //Set GPIOC7 high
  WiFiSerial.println("AT+GPIOWR=2,140,0"); //Set GPIOC6, GPIOC8 low
  WiFiSerial.println("AT+GPIOWR=2,040,1"); //Set GPIOC6 high
  WiFiSerial.println("AT+GPIOWR=2,180,0"); //Set GPIOC7, GPIOC8 low

Set your Board and Serial Port, and then upload the sketch to your Arduino. If you've hooked it all up right, you'll see the LEDs flash in order!

Flashing LEDS