Building Large LED Installations

Contributors: Joel_E_B
Favorited Favorite 21


Once you have all the bits and pieces assembled, it's time to install them in their permanent (or temporary) resting place. A word of advice: high-up, long installations can be a pain to troubleshoot.

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Each driver is connected and tested after installation.

Heads up! Be careful not to attach any of the Ethernet cables while the system is powered.

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Each cable runs back to the controller board.

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Power cables and an extra long mini-USB cable from the FadeCandy run from the controller board through the ledge, through a wall-mounted cable keeper and attach to the Raspberry Pi and power supply.

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Here's a block diagram that shows what all the connections look like.

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Click for a larger view.

Once you have everything installed, it's time to fire it up, and bask in the warming glow of your art.

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