Blynk Board Arduino Development Guide

Contributors: jimblom
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Reinstalling the Default Blynk Board Core Fimware

Note: If you have not previously installed an Arduino library, please check out our installation guide. The following example uses these libraries. Make sure that you install them before uploading!

If you are interested in reinstalling the default Blynk Board core firmware, have no fear! You will need to download the BlynkBoard_Core_Firmware.ino and associated files from the GitHub repository:

After downloading, unzip the files. Open the core firmware's folder by heading to Blynk_Board_ESP8266 > Firmware > BlynkBoard_Core_Firmware and clicking on BlynkBoard_Core_Firmware.ino. This will open Arduino IDE with the example with a few of the assiciated files as additional tabs. Make sure that you select the correct board file and COM port. When ready, click on the upload button to upload the default firmware back to the board. Then follow the instructions to setup your Blynk Board.