Blynk Board Arduino Development Guide

Contributors: jimblom
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Get a Blynk Auth Token

The Blynk Board Arduino addon includes the Blynk Arduino library, so you should have almost everything you need to start Blynking.


Every Blynk project is assigned a unique 32-byte string called the "auth token", which allows your hardware communicate with a specific project in the app. When you upload a new program to the Blynk Board, you need to program the auth token into it on top of any other code you may want to add.

To get a new Blynk auth token, you have two options: use the same project from before, or create a new project.

Option 1: Getting the Code From a Previously Created Blynk Project

Reusing a Blynk project is a great way to save energy, as long as you don't mind deleting or modifying a few widgets.

To find an existing Blynk project's auth token, stop the project, then hit the hexagon-shaped nut in the upper right corner to open the project settings.

Opening settings

On the settings page, scroll down a bit to find the "Auth Token" section, where you'll find a long, incomprehensible 32-character string and a couple handy buttons. Tap the E-MAIL button, to have the code e-mailed to your Blynk-connected email address.

Email the blynk auth token

Turn your computer towards your inbox, and look for an email from

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Keep the auth token handy! You can hit "OK" (iOS) or the upper-left back arrow (Android) to exit your project's settings page.

Option 2: Create a New Blynk Project

If you want to start fresh, with a new Blynk project, begin by backing out to the Blynk project navigator screen -- hit the upper-left "back" button if you're in a project.

Next, scroll as far to the right of the project navigator screen as you can, and find the Create New Project button.

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Clicking that will lead you to the "Project Settings" page. Name your project, and set the Hardware Model to SparkFun Blynk Board.

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Most importantly on this screen, tap E-Mail under the Auth Token to send yourself a copy of the 32-byte string.

Finally, tap Create Project to find yourself on a blank Blynk project.