Beefcake Relay Control Hookup Guide

Contributors: MTaylor
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Resources and Going Further

You should now have a relay capable of switching loads from a microcontroller. But what to switch? Motors? Floor lamps? Other relays? It's up to you! For more information about the Beefcake Relay Control board, check below!

Here's a few tutorials to inspire you. They use the Beefcake to switch some fun stuff, including fire.

Photon Remote Water Level Sensor

Learn how to build a remote water level sensor for a water storage tank and how to automate a pump based off the readings!

Blynk Board Project Guide

A series of Blynk projects you can set up on the Blynk Board without ever re-programming it.

ESP8266 Powered Propane Poofer

Learn how Nick Poole built a WiFi controlled fire-cannon using the ESP8266 Thing Dev Board!

Blynk Board Bridge Widget Demo

A Blynk project that demonstrates how to use the Bridge widget to get two (or more) Blynk Boards to communicate.

How to Build a Remote Kill Switch

Learn how to build a wireless controller to kill power when things go... sentient.

IoT Power Relay

Using the ESP32 to make a web-configured timed relay.

Qwiic Single Relay Hookup Guide

Get started switching those higher power loads around with the Qwiic Single Relay.

Qwiic Quad Relay Hookup Guide

SparkFun’s Qwiic Quad Relay is a product designed for switching not one but four high powered devices from your Arduino or other low powered microcontroller using I2C.