Artemis Global Tracker Hookup Guide
El Duderino
Resources and Going Further
If you made it this far, congratulations! Your Artemis Global Tracker should be fully configured and ready to transmit data from anywhere on Earth. For more information about the AGT or the components on it, please refer to the resources below:
Artemis Global Tracker Documentation
Artemis Module Documentation
- Apollo3 Datasheet (PDF)
- Ambiq
- Artemis Integration Guide (PDF)
- Designing with the SparkFun Artemis
- Artemis Development with Arduino
- Arduino Core
- Artemis Info Page
- Artemis Forums
Iridium 9603N Transceiver Documentation
- 9603N Datasheet (PDF)
- RockBLOCK 9603 Home Page
- Rock7 Operations
- SparkFun IridiumSBD I2C Arduino Library
u-blox M8Q Documentation
- ZOE-M8Q Datasheet (PDF)
- ZOE-M8Q Integration Manual (PDF)
- Product Summary
- SparkFun u-blox GNSS Arduino Library
- u-center Software
MS8607 PHT Sensor Documentation
Looking for some inspiration on what to use the Artemis Global Tracker for? Have a listen to this interview with Jean Rabault from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute who is using the AGT to track sea ice in the polar regions: