APDS-9960 RGB and Gesture Sensor Hookup Guide

Contributors: Shawn Hymel
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Touchless gestures are the new frontier in the world of human-machine interfaces. By swiping your hand over a sensor, you can control a computer, microcontroller, robot, etc. One manufacturer has even created a touchless toilet that flushes when you move your hand over the tank. The Avago APDS-9960 offers ambient light and color (as clear, red, green, and blue) measuring, proximity detection, and gesture sensing.

SparkFun RGB and Gesture Sensor - APDS-9960

$16.50 $3.99

The APDS-9960 RGB and Gesture Sensor board breaks out the pins on the Avago APDS-9960 so you can easily use it in a variety of projects. The APDS-9960 uses the I2C interface for communications.

Covered In This Tutorial

In this tutorial, we will give an overview of the APDS-9960 sensor board and provide an example hookup and code. The tutorial is split into the following sections:

  • Board Overview -- To begin, we'll go over each of the pins on the breakout board and their function. This section also overviews the jumpers on the front of the board.
  • Hardware Hookup -- In this section, we'll show you how to hook the APDS-9960 up to an Arduino to detect gestures via I2C.
  • Arduino Library Installation -- Here, we download and install the APDS-9960 Arduino library.
  • Gesture Sensing Example -- We try out the sensor with the the GestureTest example.
  • Resources and Going Further -- You made a simple gesture sensor, but where do you go from there? This section gives you some additional resources for getting more use out of the APDS-9960.

Materials Used

You will need a few components and tools to follow along with this tutorial. Here is what you will need:

If you do not have specifically a 3.3V Arduino Pro, there are a number of ways to complete the walkthrough. In general, you will need:

  • Arduino or other microcontroller -- You will need something that is capable of I2C and communicating back to the computer (e.g. serial communications). The microcontroller needs to have a 3.3V I/O voltage or you will have to use a level shifter. We are using the 3.3V Arduino Pro, but the 3.3V Arduino Pro Mini would work as well.
  • Level shifting -- If you are using a 5V Arduino, like the Uno or RedBoard, you will need to use a level shifter, such as the bi-directional logic level converter.
  • Connectors -- You will need to interface your microcontroller with the breakout board. Male headers are perfect if you're using a breadboard. Another option is to use wire to connect the breakout board directly to the microcontroller.
  • Soldering tools -- After you've picked a connector, you will need to solder it to the breakout board. A simple soldering iron and some solder should be all you need.

Recommended Reading

Before getting started with the APDS-9960, there are a few concepts that you should be familiar with. Consider reading some of these tutorials before continuing:

  • What is an Arduino? -- We will use an Arduino to control the APDS-9960
  • I2C -- I2C is the communication protocol used by the APDS-9960
  • Serial Communication -- We use serial communications (with the FTDI breakout board) to program the Arduino and provide information to our computer from the Arduino
  • How to Use a Breadboard -- The breadboard ties the Arduino to the APDS-9960 breakout board