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February 6, 2014

Teach digital and analog input and output using the RGB LEDs, buttons and buzzers with the ProtoSnap board.

Alan Smith's Curriculum

February 6, 2014

An introduction to Arduino, microcontrollers and electrical circuits by Alan Smith.

SoftSerial: Implementing Multiple Serial Ports On An Arduino

February 6, 2014

Learn how to use pins other than TX and RX to communicate between microcontrollers using the SoftSerial library.

LilyPad With Programming

February 6, 2014

Get started prototyping without a breadboard using the ProtoSnap LilyPad Development Board to control buzzers, vibration motors, RGB LEDs and more.

ProtoSnap Intro to Arduino

February 6, 2014

Presentation on programming microcontrollers without having to create any circuits using the ProtoSnap board.

Processing the Danger Shield

February 6, 2014

This material teaches the creation and manipulation of basic shapes using Processing and SparkFun's Danger Shield.

Video Games and Controllers with Analog Pong and Processing - Gaming

February 6, 2014

Learn how to create a video game and controller while learning basic programming, math, Cartesian graphing methods, Serial communication and sensor input.

Intro to Arduino

February 6, 2014

Here is a slide show presentation for introducing the Arduino SparkFun Inventor's Kit.

Introductory Arduino Materials from Portland State University

February 6, 2014

A wide range of labs covering beginner and intermediate Arduino programming, DC and analog circuits, and two larger scale projects.

Programming with Simon

February 6, 2014

This material shows a way to re-use our popular Simon game to teach programming after you have used it to teach soldering.

Intro to Arduino with ArduBlock

February 6, 2014

Learn the basics of programming in Arduino using the graphical programming constructs of ArduBlock.

Five Days of Prototyping

February 6, 2014

Resources covering a five day course, including everything from schematics and PCV layout to programming, wireless and GPS.

Arduino, Processing and Max

February 6, 2014

Workshop materials for using Arduino, Processing and the Danger Shield to communicate with Max Patch.

Serial Communication between Arduino and Processing

February 6, 2014

Materials for Arduino, Processing and Serial Communication for the ATLAS program at CU Boulder.

ArduBlock and Protosnap ProMini

February 6, 2014

This is a short presentation on how to use ArduBlock - a graphical programming environment with the Protosnap ProMini.

Android Development with IOIO

February 6, 2014

Control an LED, potentiometer and servo over USB or Bluetooth using Andriod and IOIO.

LilyPad In-Depth

February 6, 2014

Learn how to create circuits that use a LilyPad microcontroller and what you need to program your microcontroller to react to input and provide output.

Arduino in a Nutshell

February 6, 2014

Beginner's guide to the Arduino Uno R3 by Prof. Jan Borchers.

TEI Workshop Materials - Gaming

February 6, 2014

Resources for programming a game using ProtoSnap Mini and Processing.

Processing and Interactivity for Educators

February 6, 2014

This is a web-based curriculum designed for middle-schools and undergoing update and addition.

Modkit and Arduino (Drag and drop programming)

February 6, 2014

Course for Elementary students using LilyPad and Modkit.

SparkFun Inventor’s Kit Curriculum

February 6, 2014

The SIK binder is an entire curriculum for embedded electronics, centered around the SparkFun Inventor's Kit.