Video Games and Controllers with Analog Pong and Processing - Gaming

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Learn how to create a video game and controller while learning basic programming, Algebra, Trigonometry, Cartesian graphing methods, Serial communication and analog sensor input using the SparkFun Inventor's Kit for Arduino.

Pong Start Screen

The skills and concepts covered in this activity are a great introduction to the same skills you would need to create embedded systems, graphical user interfaces and data logging technology, as well as work with robotics, GPS and more. But this way you’re creating a game that you can play with your friends in the process!

Arduino, Processing and written materials included in handy .zip files.

  • analog_pong01.ino – Arduino code for use with a single analog sensor

  • analog_pong02.ino – Arduino code for use with two analog sensors. Use analog_pong02.ino if you just want Pong up and running.

  • analog_pong2 _01.pde – Processing code for working through this handout.

non-functional without additional code

  • analog_pong2 _02.pde – Processing code after working through this handout. Use analog_pong2 _02.pde if you just want Pong up and running.

Original code by Ben Leduc-Mills, expanded by Lindsay Craig