ZX Distance and Gesture Sensor SMD Hookup Guide

Contributors: Shawn Hymel, LightningHawk
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Hardware Hookup

Add Headers

Solder a row of male headers to the nine headers holes on the board.

Placing sensor over male headers

To keep the board from tilting while soldering, place the unused break away headers sideways under the board.

Soldering the header pins to the nine through holes

Heads up! Do not solder headers to the row of holes at the top of the board. Those are for programming the PIC microcontroller.

Connect the Breakout Board

For the Arduino examples, we will be using I2C. Connect the breakout board to the following RedBoard pins:

ZX Sensor to Arduino Fritzing diagram

ZX SensorRedBoard

Note that we connect the DR pin, but we will only use it in the Arduino: Gesture Example. DR stands for "Data Ready," which is active high whenever data is ready to be read from the ZX Sensor. We can attach this to an Arduino interrupt so we don't have to continuously poll the sensor.

ZX Sensor connected to Redboard