Vox Imperium: Stormtrooper Voice Changer

Contributors: Shawn Hymel
Favorited Favorite 9

Resources and Going Further

This project is meant to be hacked! Try changing some of the variables in the Parameters section of the code to see if you can get the voice to sound the way you want. You can also import the block diagram into the Audio System Design Tool by copying in everything before the // GUItool: end automatically generated code line and clicking Import in the Audio System Design Tool. Add some new blocks and really distort your voice!

Here's an example of the project wired into a Scout Trooper helmet:

Project Resources:

For more fun audio projects, check out these tutorials:

Touch Potentiometer Hookup Guide

Learn how to use the SparkFun Touch Potentiometer to control lighting, volume or other inputs in your daily life.

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Monitor and interact with pets through this dog bark detector project based on the Raspberry Pi!

MP3 Trigger Hookup Guide V24

Incorporate sound into your next project easily with the MP3 Trigger.

Spectacle Sound Kit Hookup Guide

All the information you need to use the Spectacle Sound Kit in one place.