Vox Imperium: Stormtrooper Voice Changer
Shawn Hymel
The Code
Create a new Arduino sketch and copy in the code:
// GUItool: begin automatically generated code AudioInputAnalog adc1; //xy=255,182 AudioFilterBiquad biquad1; //xy=394,182 AudioPlaySerialflashRaw playFlashRaw1; //xy=535,319 AudioFilterStateVariable filter1; //xy=558,189 AudioAnalyzePeak peak1; //xy=559,255 AudioMixer4 mixer1; //xy=710,196 AudioOutputAnalog dac1; //xy=844,196 AudioConnection patchCord1(adc1, biquad1); AudioConnection patchCord2(biquad1, 0, filter1, 0); AudioConnection patchCord3(biquad1, peak1); AudioConnection patchCord4(playFlashRaw1, 0, mixer1, 2); AudioConnection patchCord5(filter1, 0, mixer1, 0); AudioConnection patchCord6(filter1, 2, mixer1, 1); AudioConnection patchCord7(mixer1, dac1); // GUItool: end automatically generated code // Parameters const bool DEBUG = false; const bool BEGIN_CLICK = true; // Play click on voice start const bool END_SOUND = true; // Play click/burst on voice end const bool FEEDBACK_SUPPRESSION = false; // Enables input filter const unsigned int LOWPASS_CUTOFF = 2200; // Hz const unsigned int CROSSOVER_FREQ = 2000; // Filter center freq const float BASS_GAIN_ON = 0.01; const float BASS_GAIN_OFF = 0.0; const float TREBLE_GAIN_ON = 0.25; // Voice output volume const float TREBLE_GAIN_OFF = 0.0; const float SFX_GAIN = 0.5; // Sound clip volume const float SQUELCH_CUTOFF = 0.10; // Voice threshold const int HYSTERESIS_TIME_ON = 20; // Milliseconds const int HYSTERESIS_TIME_OFF = 400; // Milliseconds // Pins const int FLASH_CS = 6; // Serial flash chip select const int AMP_ENABLE = 5; // Amplifier enable pin // On/Off state machine states typedef enum volState { QUIET, QUIET_TO_LOUD, LOUD, LOUD_TO_QUIET, } VolState; // Global variables elapsedMillis fps; // Sample peak only if we have available cycles VolState state = QUIET; unsigned long timer; void setup() { if ( DEBUG ) { Serial.begin(9600); } // Initialize amplifier AudioMemory(20); dac1.analogReference(EXTERNAL); // much louder! delay(50); // time for DAC voltage stable pinMode(AMP_ENABLE, OUTPUT); // wait up to 10 seconds for Arduino Serial Monitor unsigned long startMillis = millis(); if ( DEBUG ) { while ( !Serial && ( millis() - startMillis < 10000 ) ); } // Butterworth lowpass filter (reduces audio feedback) if ( FEEDBACK_SUPPRESSION ) { biquad1.setLowpass(0, LOWPASS_CUTOFF, 0.707); } else { biquad1.setLowpass(0, 8000, 0.707); } // Configure the State Variable filter filter1.frequency(CROSSOVER_FREQ); filter1.resonance(0.707); // Adjust gain into the mixer mixer1.gain(0, BASS_GAIN_OFF); mixer1.gain(1, TREBLE_GAIN_OFF); mixer1.gain(2, SFX_GAIN); // Initialize serial flash if ( !SerialFlash.begin(FLASH_CS) ) { if ( DEBUG ) { Serial.println( "Unable to access SPI Flash chip" ); } } // Use the time since boot as a seed (I know, not great, but // the audio toolbox took away my analogRead) int seed = micros() % 32767; if ( DEBUG ) { Serial.print("Seed: "); Serial.println(seed); } randomSeed(seed); if ( DEBUG ) { Serial.println("Finished init"); } } void loop() { if ( (fps > 24) && peak1.available() ) { // State machine switch ( state ) { // Wait until the mic picks up some sound case QUIET: if ( peak1.read() > SQUELCH_CUTOFF ) { timer = millis(); state = QUIET_TO_LOUD; } break; // If sound continues, play sound effect case QUIET_TO_LOUD: if ( peak1.read() <= SQUELCH_CUTOFF ) { state = QUIET; } else { if ( millis() > timer + HYSTERESIS_TIME_ON ) { if ( DEBUG ) { Serial.println("ON"); } // Turn on amp, play sound, turn on mic digitalWrite(AMP_ENABLE, HIGH); if ( BEGIN_CLICK ) { playFile("click.raw"); } mixer1.gain(0, BASS_GAIN_ON); mixer1.gain(1, TREBLE_GAIN_ON); // Go to next state state = LOUD; } } break; // Filter mic input and play it through speakers case LOUD: if ( peak1.read() <= SQUELCH_CUTOFF ) { timer = millis(); state = LOUD_TO_QUIET; } break; // If no sound for a time, play click or burst case LOUD_TO_QUIET: if ( peak1.read() > SQUELCH_CUTOFF ) { state = LOUD; } else { if ( millis() > timer + HYSTERESIS_TIME_OFF ) { if ( DEBUG ) { Serial.println("OFF"); } // Play a random sound if ( END_SOUND ) { if ( random(2) ) { playFile("click.raw"); } else { playFile("break.raw"); } } // Turn off mic and amp digitalWrite(AMP_ENABLE, LOW); mixer1.gain(0, BASS_GAIN_OFF); mixer1.gain(1, TREBLE_GAIN_OFF); state = QUIET; } } break; // You really shouldn't get here default: break; } } } // Play a sound clip from serial flash void playFile( const char* filename ) { if ( DEBUG ) { Serial.print("Playing file: "); Serial.print(filename); } // Start playing the file playFlashRaw1.play(filename); // A brief delay for the library read info delay(5); // Wait for the file to finish playing while ( playFlashRaw1.isPlaying() ); if ( DEBUG ) { Serial.println("...done"); } }
Make sure the board has the following settings:
- Board: Teensy 3.2 / 3.1
- USB Type: Serial
- CPU Speed: 96 MHz optimized (overclock)
- Port: \
Upload the sketch to the Teensy, and you're ready to join the Imperial Army!
Run It!
Whenever you speak into the microphone, you'll hear a click followed by a nasal version of your voice. When you stop talking, the Teensy will play a click or a static burst. You can disable the initial click by changing BEGIN_CLICK
to false
, and you can disable the ending sound by changing END_SOUND
to false
You can also plug a LiPo battery into the Power Cell to power the whole contraption.