Thing Plus Dual-Port Logging Shield Hookup Guide

Contributors: Ell C, PaulZC
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Example 1: Read I2C Address/Firmware Version

Now that we've got our hardware sorted out, let's have a look at some examples.

In this first example, we're just going to report out on our I2C address and Firmware Version.

To start, plug your Thing Plus with its Dual Port Logging Shield into your computer, open a new Arduino sketch, and click "File > Examples > SparkFun Dual-Port Logging Shield Arduino Library > Example1_Read_I2CAddress_FirmwareVersion_DefaultMode".

Where to find example 1 in the file menu

Having a hard time seeing the details? Click the image for a closer look.

Note: If you are using an Artemis Thing Plus, you will need to change Wire to Wire1 in the example code!

Choose the correct Board and Port (as seen here):

For this example, we're using the Esp32 Thing Plus

And then upload the code to your Thing Plus. When you open the Serial Monitor with the correct baud, you should see something like the following:

Serial Monitor output lists I2C address, Firmware version, etc

Having a hard time seeing the details? Click the image for a closer look.