SparkFun Qwiic Thermocouple Hookup Guide
Alex the Giant, Ell C
Resources and Going Further
Want more information on the Qwiic Thermocouple? Check out the links here:
Qwiic Thermocouple Amplifier PCC:
Qwiic Thermocouple Amplifier Screw Terminals:
Hardware and Library:
Need inspiration for more projects? We have loads of great Qwiic tutorials! Check 'em out!
Pi Servo pHAT (v2) Hookup Guide
This hookup guide will get you started with connecting and using the Pi Servo pHAT on a Raspberry Pi.
SparkFun QwiicBus Hookup Guide
Build a long-range, noise-isolated I2C bus with the SparkFun QwiicBus Kit featuring the QwiicBus EndPoint and MidPoint following this Hookup Guide.
Qwiic EEPROM Hookup Guide
Running out of memory? Don't forget to check out the Qwiic EEPROM!
SparkFun RTK Facet Hookup Guide
Setup the RTK Facet in minutes to begin gathering millimeter level geospatial coordinates.
Or check out this blog post for more ideas: