SparkFun Edge Hookup Guide
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Resources and Going Further
Now that you are familiar with the hardware and setup, you should be able to start integrating the Edge Board into your projects. If you want more information on the Ambiq Apollo3 or the SparkFun Edge Board, check out some of the links below:
SparkFun Edge:
Working with the Apollo 3:
- Ambiq Apollo3 Datasheet
- SDK Setup Guide
- Machine Learning on a Microcontroller with SparkFun Edge
- Using TensorFlow on Microcontrollers
- TensorFlow Lite
Need some inspiration for your next project? Check out some of these IoT tutorials!
ESP32 Thing Plus Hookup Guide
Hookup guide for the ESP32 Thing Plus (Micro-B) using the ESP32 WROOM's WiFi/Bluetooth system-on-chip in Arduino.
ESP32 Thing Plus (USB-C) Hookup Guide
Meet the updated ESP32 Thing Plus (USB-C) development board. We have included some extra bells and whistles that users will appreciate, so check out out hookup guide for all the details!
AzureWave Thing Plus (AW-CU488) Hookup Guide
The SparkFun AzureWave Thing Plus is a Feather form-factor development board equipped with the AW-CU488. We'll highlight key features of the board and show you to get started with the development board. A few Arduino examples will be highlighted to connect to a WiFi router, calculate the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) from an input microphone, output an analog signal to a speaker, and connect an Qwiic-enabled device.
Or check out this blog post for ideas.