Soft Circuits: LED Feelings Pizza

Contributors: Chelsea the Destroyer
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The Setup

You’ll want to start by figuring out a layout for your toppings on the top triangle - you can put the toppings wherever you like, but be sure to space out the pepperonis enough that you’ll be able to sew an LED underneath each one with enough room. You can attach the toppings to the top piece now if you like, as all our circuitry will be sewn onto the crust piece, or you can just mark a small dot where you know your pepperonis will be.

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Once you’ve decided where you want your pepperonis, use small scissors to cut a tiny hole in the top triangle underneath where each pepperoni will be so the LED can shine through more easily.

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Stack the top piece on the crust and mark through the holes with a pencil so you know where to sew down each LED on the crust piece. Then attach all your toppings to the top piece of the pizza and set it aside.

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